Well…with all of the repub lying that is going on concerning the federal budget and the debt ceiling, I thought it would be a good idea to actually inject some facts into the argument instead of the talking points the repubs are using for nothing more than partisan advantage. First, if you were to listen to the repubs, Obama has printed up trillions of dollars and is merrily running around the country giving them away by the truckload…increasing spending every day by those truckloads…the only problem here is it’s just not true…in fact in the last two years, over 2.4 trillion dollars has been cut from the budget with a resulting lowering of the deficit that has happened every year since Obama took office. A fact that the repubs don’t believe since they just don’t believe in facts or math…the second thing I wanted to clear up with facts is that the president is not required to negotiate or agree to cuts in anything to have the debt ceiling raised…the debt ceiling is raised to pay for things that the congress…yep, the congress, has already said they want to pay for passing bills in the House and Senate to do so…has nothing to do with the executive branch…so what I would do if I were Obama is nothing…if the repubs want to trash the economy by not doing their jobs then let them…they will own it and in two years we will control all of the government and will be able to get the country’s business done…geez…