Obama’s testy and combative?

Well…I was laughing my ass off yesterday when the analysis clones were out in force calling Obama’s press conference “testy and combative” with nothing but attacks on the repubs and putting forth the proposition that he would get farther if he was “more friendly” to the repubs that have spent the past 4 years attacking everything about Obama and his administration; and doing their best to not cooperate. I think Obama’s combative nature in the presser was a reaction to all of the crap and lies he has gotten from the right…they never wanted to compromise in good faith and Obama is finally learning that you can’t reason with bullies, that you need to smack them in the mouth and then maybe they will change their behaviors. I, for one, am glad he finally said enough, enough to the hypocrisy that saw the repubs raise the debt ceiling for ole GW any time the country needed it and never held it hostage to the cuts that they are screaming about now…and there is no equivalency of the dems reactions back then to the repubs now…the dems never fillibustered or put silent holds on the bills to increase the ceiling..or even threatened to do so….and may of these same repubs that saw no problem with giving GW what he wanted are leading the charge against raising the ceiling now…and their only reason is their blind, naked hatred of Obama….geez…

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