Well…another boring night…do I sense a theme here? I do still feel like crap again today and I don’t know why…well, I do but I’m not going to share that right now. I am right for half of the wold Cup final…now, all that has to happen is for Germany to beat Spain today and I will be right for both of them…yay for me…hmmmm..can’t even work up any enthusiasm for being right…so I should get going to coffee….more later…
Back again…have to do a wildlife alert this morning…what is it with tiny little bunnies everywhere? I must have seen a dozen of them cut across in front of me today…and some of them are pretty fast…but why do they feel compelled to cross in front of me? Weird…
A little farther out, I saw a doe with two fawns just sitting beside the trail…can’t remember ever seeing twin fawns before. Then, there were two muskrats swimming in the little ponds that are next to m-6….seemed interesting to me…that’s enough for now…