Ther right is just a scam to make money…

Well…there have been many articles over the last few weeks on how many of the PACs on the right are just money making schemes to separate the rubes from their money and line the pockets of the people running the PACS; ignoring the purpose that the PAC was supposed to fulfill. The latest revelation of this screwing of the masses on the right is the PAC that is controlled by the teabag darling Marco Rubio from Florida who states that the purpose of his PAC is to “help conservatives get elected”…but the dirty little secret that his PAC has been hiding is that, of the 1.7 million dollars they have raised, only 78,000 has been spent on elections…the rest going to “consultants” and overhead, essentially a slush fund to Rubio’s friends..or to put it another way, it is ‘welfare” for the chattering right wing political classes so they don’t have to get a real job or contribute to society in any way. With all of the talk of personal responsibility that comes ad nauseum from the right, we now know they don’t believe in any of the crap they are pushing…it is just a scam to keep the rubes in line and give them hope that just does not exist. Geez….

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