Well…I am just sitting here shaking my head about the deterioration of the repub party into one that is mesmerized by tactics that they feel are winners but that the American people don’t. The latest in this unending series of crises of their own making is the idea floated by the idiot Eric Cantor to raise the debt ceiling for only three months, thinking they can then use it again to try to extort budget cuts in the future. What I don’t understand is why they think it will work in three months when it’s not working now? Again, the definition of stupidity is continuing to do the same thing but expecting different results and that is exactly what is on display here…the abject stupidity of the repub “leadership” who think that confrontation and extortion are the same as governance…as much as I questioned the intelligence of the American people when they continue to vote for these morons, poll results giving the repubs in congress a single digit approval rating show that the people are finally recognizing that the repubs are the problem, not the solution for this country…and none too soon…geez…