Tag Archives: debt

The dems need to get on this…

Well…with the judgements of almost half a billion dollars and no bank in the US willing to lend him the money to cover it…when money magically appears from the Saudis or putin, the dems need to hammer on the danger that poses if idiot boy is re elected…do you think he wouldn’t sell off top secret documents to get out from under that much debt? Damn, he’s already sold or given state secrets to Russia and his idiot son in law did the same for the Saudis so they could purge the “enemies” of the state and consolidate the murderer MBS’s power…so, of course they’ll do it again if he’s allowed anywhere near the presidency…the ads should be running right now to hammer the idiot before they can attack over the debt or distract the country with more lies..get on it, dems…geez…

The Germans are hypocrites….

Well…I know that economics are not a topic that most people will voluntarily read but there is an interesting thing going on in
Europe with the Greek debt “crisis”….and it is the hypocrisy that the Germans are showing in regard to Greece’s debt… as we all know now, austerity does not grow economies and usually hurts them worse when they are in a recession, but that is exactly what the Germans want for Greece…more austerity so they can pay back their debt…but to see the hypocrisy of this action, you only need to look at what happened to Germany in the 50′s, when they were swimming in debt. At that time, economists actually used facts to set policy….not ideology as is being done now. Back then, economists looked at the debt situation that faced Germany and realized that they would destroy their economy if they would have to pay back their massive debt they incurred rebuilding the country…so what did the world do? They basically wiped out the debt that Germany owed and allowed them to become the economic power they are today….so what would be wrong with doing the same thing for Greece? Many, many countries have had their debt forgiven across the years and not one time did it cause a meltdown in the world economy…in fact there was usually some benefits in the removal of the constant crisis and restoration of confidence in the future. That’s what should be done with Greece right now…wipe out their debt and give them a chance to get back to normalcy….geez…

All tactics…all the time…

Well…I am just sitting here shaking my head about the deterioration of the repub party into one that is mesmerized by tactics that they feel are winners but that the American people don’t. The latest in this unending series of crises of their own making is the idea floated by the idiot Eric Cantor to raise the debt ceiling for only three months, thinking they can then use it again to try to extort budget cuts in the future. What I don’t understand is why they think it will work in three months when it’s not working now? Again, the definition of stupidity is continuing to do the same thing but expecting different results and that is exactly what is on display here…the abject stupidity of the repub “leadership” who think that confrontation and extortion are the same as governance…as much as I questioned the intelligence of the American people when they continue to vote for these morons, poll results giving the repubs in congress a single digit approval rating show that the people are finally recognizing that the repubs are the problem, not the solution for this country…and none too soon…geez…