Well…I wonder if the repubs in congress are getting whiplash from changing their positions so rapidly on government spending? With the new numbers out yesterday that showed that the economy contracted by .1 percent over the last quarter, the repubs are in full howl that they are right with their new position that we should cut more spending…never mind that during the campaign, they ran on the idea that the automatic sequester, that they agreed to, would push the economy back into recession. The consensus from real economists is that the contraction was caused by the huge cut in defense spending that happened over the last quarter…down almost 22% due to getting ready for the cuts to come if the sequester remains in place. What I find really funny about this whole thing is that the repubs did not believe any of the numbers coming out of the administration over the course of the campaign when they showed that the economy was growing and unemployment was falling…but now the repubs seize on this “government” number and loudly proclaim that they have leverage now for more spending cuts….can these folks get any more stupid? They keep trying…and succeeding…to the detriment of the rest of America…geez…
Oh…kind of buried the lead there…Keynes was right…cutting spending in a time of near recession will lead to lower growth….but the repubs don’t believe in facts…or Keynes….