Well…not sure where this is coming from but a thunderbolt just hit me with an idea for one of these…and I’m not sure if it is from my advancing age or if the daily overload of meanness and injustice that comes from reading as much as I do…but this just popped into my head….”why?” It is an interesting word and I think it goes to the core of what make us human…why? Why do religions that purport to follow the peaceful Jesus hate so much? Why to they ignore the rest of his teachings like taking care of the sick, loving your neighbor, or feeding the poor? Why does the Catholic church especially hate gays so much? Why do they think so little of women that they try and try to take away their basic human right to control their own bodies?
Why do politicians who purport to be religious people go out of their way to hurt the poor by cutting and cutting the safety net? Why do they then spend so much time and energy protecting the rich?
Why do the people that hire have to go out of their way to reject people like me? Why is age so bad? Why is being unemployed so bad? Why, why, why…….I don’t have any of the answers, but the questions are starting to corrode me…they are starting to hollow me out from the inside….and they are starting to make me think that maybe there isn’t another job out there for me….and that is the worst thing I’ve ever felt….