Well…I’m sure you’ve grown tired of my rantings about the right here in the US and I really do think that the act of writing about the crazy is contributing to the malaise that I feel…so, I ‘m going to give myself and you a break today and not write about it….so, what else to write? There was a race on today where one of the cars almost went into the stands and spectators were hurt…that was like a punch and is moving me closer and closer to giving up racing….I did have a nice lunch with T today but I am a little concerned that my depressed state is going to make her not want to do that much any more…and that would be a shame…it’s like I was telling Tom the other day…I just don’t feel like I fit anywhere anymore…like I’m living outside of time and just observing no matter where I go or what I do…yeah, I know that sounds strange but it is as close of a description as I can give….okay, this one is deteriorating into a “poor me” so I’ll stop….I’ll be back for more tomorrow and probably back to the crazy…