Well…even though I’m ahead by two for the month, I felt like I wanted to come back for a recap…maybe not a recap but just to muse a little…it has been a frustrating week and, as you know, the last day of the month is one of the worst ones for me since I have to pay the rent tomorrow…so, it is going to be a cocktail night tonight to try to shut the brain off for just a little while…and as a reward for being good all week…I do think I may need to stop reading the Miata forums since there are people talking about all of the failures in their cars…it makes it look like the Miata is the least reliable car that has ever been built and give me just a few more things to worry about that I don’t need right now…and, mine is reliable, now. But, the forums do help me pass the time and keep the crushing boredom at bay so I guess I’ll just have to take them with a grain of salt…and, no one writes to the forums to say that nothing has failed so I have to remember that….and, they like my car so that reinforces how much I like it. I have also been spending time out on DailyKos but I’m not sure how long that is going to last…it is nice to have like-minded individuals to talk and listen to but I would like some reasoned argument for the other side once in a while…okay…that’s it, it’s not cocktail time yet but it’s only 45 minutes to go and I guess I can amuse myself until 7….