Well…sitting here waiting for the ice to melt off the car and thought I’d get an early start today…for a weekend, that is….it was a cocktail night last night so I’m a little cloudy right now…and it was a long day yesterday with trying hard to keep the boredom at bay was hard work but I survived it…and today looks like another one but there are sports to help…Man U plays this morning and then there is a race…nope, two races on this aft so I may be able to get through it…I’ll be back in a while to add to this one…need to go to Meijers to get food and cocktail materials…
Okay…the third cup of coffee has worked wonders and I feel almost human…slept okay last night but no dreams to speak of but that is okay since none of them have been very fun lately….I am just getting tired of waiting for spring to come and the trails to melt so I can get back on the bike…I think my body misses the abuse and I know I miss the fresh air and exercise….and I feel fat with the 10 pounds I’ve gained….all that on 1200 calories a day…weird…okay…Man U is starting and I need to see it…more later…oh, one last thing…T is leaving for Atlanta for a few days and I am going to miss the texts we send every day…she sure keeps my spirits up….
One other good thing…just found out that Ian Darke and Steve Macmanaman are doing the match this morning! It’s like listening to Ken and Mickey do the Wings….