Well…in case you had any doubts about the sudden embracing of medicaid expansion that we’ve seen by repub governors and are trying to figure out the change of heart, don’t bother…the real reason for this sudden concern for the poor is just typical repub through and through…they have figured out that they can steal a bunch of this money for their owners in the insurance industry by asking for waivers that would allow them to turn medicaid from the government run program it is, to some kind of hybrid that would take the money, give it to the insurance companies, and then have the insurance companies cover these folks. Yep, you heard it right, the repubs, the champions of eliminating waste and fraud (yeah, right) are going to take a program that has 8% administrative costs and hand it over to insurance companies who have 20 to 30% administrative costs…for example, a program like Florida where the expansion was 3 billion dollars, would immediately hand over 600 million in costs to the insurance companies, of which at least a hundred million would go straight into the pockets of the ceo’s for their bonuses. So, instead of covering more people with the extra money and reaping the savings of scale in the medicaid program, the repubs are willing to force them into a less efficient program just to line the pockets of the insurance companies. How much worse can these guys get? We might just as well be a banana republic…the repubs are acting like we are….geez…