Well…I am laughing my butt off at the “new” Ryan budget that is so much more of the same old crap that even the Murdock owned Wall Street Journal is panning it…how many more times does he think he’ll have to increase the tax cuts for the rich and gut everything else before he is successful? Again, this is the definition of insanity “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” and shows that the repubs are so delusional that they can’t even think of anything else to do…even though the American people (who generally have more sense than this idiot) soundly, roundly rejected this nonsense in the last election. Exactly who are these guys governing for? Oh, yep, stupid question….the same old folks that don’t believe in economics, or science, or anything they don’t hear in the echo chambers of the right. I just have one thing to say…”keep it up!” at least until 2014 when we can send Ryan and the rest of the austerity nuts back to the tea parties they came from. Geez…