The crazy is strong in North Carolina…

Well….I have been thinking for a while now about doing a daily repub crazy contest but with the latest crazy coming out of the repubs in NC, it would take a long, long time to beat this one. In case you haven’t heard, the really crazy TP repubs in NC have proposed a new law that would establish a state religion (Christianity, of course) in NC and that would also, in their fevered brains, allow them to ignore any federal law or court ruling that they don’t like…proposing that the constitution does not apply to them…unless they can use the tenth amendment to nullify the rest of it. Yep, I’m not making this up…these idiots, in one breath, say that the constitution is not applicable there and they are going to ignore it…then, in the next try to use it to support their crazy. Nevermind that courts all over the country including the supreme court have ruled that federal law takes precedence over state law, and have affirmed in many, many cases that the first amendments establishment clause applies to every state. So, we have another case where ignorant repubs who have no clue what it means to govern are using the state government to push their crazy on the people of their state, not to mention enriching the law firms of their donors by hiring them to defend these blatantly unconstitutional laws….how much more of this crap do we have to listen to? Geez…

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