Well…had to comment on the latest revelation that the supposedly academic paper by Rogoff and Reinhart that the repubs and conservatives across the globe have used to justify the focus on austerity around the world is a fraud…yeah, big surprise that the repubs would use a fraud to justify being pricks and hurting people but it is such an obvious fraud that it was discovered by a grad student at U Mass who found that they had made mistakes in their Excel formulas…yeah, I couldn’t believe it either…ruining countless lives across the world from an Excel error? No wonder they wouldn’t let anyone see their source data or how they came to their conclusions, but the more egregious thing is that they did one of the most common frauds in research…they willfully excluded data that they knew would have made their hypothesis false….these folks are just frauds and I want an apology from them and from Paul Ryan for all of the damage they’ve done by relentlessly pushing this crap since the start of the recession…isn’t this the last time we should ever have to hear from the idiot Ryan? Geez….