Well….have been thinking about this for a while now…how do we solve the problem of each every Walmart store’s low wages being subsidized to the tune of almost a million dollars a year in Medicaid and food stamps? I know that people say that if the employees don’t want to work there, they should go find better jobs…but that is a just nonsense, many of the employees at Walmart have no other choices for work since Walmart drove the businesses they used to work for into the ground. So, let’s just get past that…and you know that every dime of the Walmart tax, as I call it, is going into the pockets of the Walton family and the upper management of the company; the worst kind of corporate welfare. So my idea is to make companies like Walmart and many in the restaurant industry pay their fair share is to fine them the difference between what they pay their employees and the amount that makes them eligible for benefits….if they want to pay someone 10 dollars an hour and the poverty wage calculates to at least 15…then we fine them 5 dollars for every hour that they force people to work for less…we need to take the incentive away for Walmart to leech off the rest of the country and make them pay the real cost of their labor…after all you and I subsidize each and every store to the tune of almost a million dollars a year…take that away and we take away the power these thugs have to suppress wages across the US…and I’m sure we never agreed to pay this “Walmart tax”…geez…