June 20th

Well…had a surprise night out with G last night so I feel like crap today and am running late because of it…..slept okay but that doesn’t help after a night out…and I am running late for an appointment out in Dorr so I need to work out and get the bike ride in right now so I’ll have to come back later and finish this…I do need to make a comment out on Kos first, though….

Okay…I’m back for a few minutes…got the run to Dorr done but he HLA’s were ticking like crazy when I got over to HF to get my brake bleeder…but it went away after the drive back here but I do know it needs an oil change…have to do that next week…I did get a ride in but the bike is squeaking again…damn….might just be the shock, though, since I can feel it through the seat…okay…not feeling it…I will try to get a political one in later….

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