July 4th

Well….running late again today and it is just because I’ve decided to slow the day down, enjoy the coffee, and try to get relaxed a little..it is so tiring feeling that I need to get things done and going at it like a job…so, today there will be no looking for work…just going to let the day come as it does and try to get back to enjoying life…it was an okay day yesterday but didn’t accomplish a thing and that is starting to annoy me…but not enough to do anything about it…yet….I did see that I can get t-bone steaks for 3.99 a pound at a little store on 28th street and I just may go and get a few…haven’t had a steak in a long time and it may be good to splurge a little….not much to do today…I was going to wash the car but not sure if I am motivated enough to do it…who knows? more later…

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