Well…never in my lifetime have I seen a political party that isn’t; like the repubs are now, evidenced by the 40th vote, yep that’s right, 40th vote to repeal the ACA. When are these idiots going to get thrown out of congress for wasting the time and money of the American people? Over on the senate side, you have the same damn thing going on with Canadian Cruz vowing to shut down the government if the ACA is not defunded as part of the debt ceiling deal….he is willing to crash the entire world economy just to prevent some people, like me, from being able to get affordable health insurance, and to prevent people with pre-existing conditions from ever being able to be insured…in what twisted vision of America is that good for the people? I have just had enough of the tea partiers trying to shove their fascistic view of life on the sane ones here who believe that we need government to protect us from the Ayn Randian version of capitalism that they love so much….and the bitch of the whole thing is that the people who will benefit from the ACA continue to vote against their own interests…and for these bat shit crazy repubs…geez…