Well…just got back from a drive int he car and read this jaw dropping piece of crap out of Kansas…an anti-abortion protester whose group has been behind the efforts to close the last clinic there has come up with a novel idea….he went to the Kansas City city council and told them that the clinic should be closed since there could be “gun violence” there with the escorts of the women needing these services being armed…no matter that all of the gun violence there has been by people from the anti groups shooting the doctors that perform this service….what this amounts to is the old protection racket the the mob used to do…close down these clinics or we won’t be responsible for what happens to them…and it’s not our fault if someone shoots someone associated with the clinic…wink, wink…what this ass is saying is a blatant threat that another crazy will take as a call to action…he should be arrested at least for inciting violence or even for incitement to murder….when are the rest of the people in that state going to tire of this kind of crap? That some crazy assed religious nut can impose his crazy assed religion on everyone? I’ve had enough of this crap…geez..