Well…just had to comment on what happened over the weekend at a town hall meeting that was held by one of the repub reps from Tennessee…when a 12 year old girl whose father is an undocumented alien asked what the rep was going to do to help her father avoid deportation along with the other millions that are here, and this prick answered “nothing” and then went on the typical repub rant about they are here breaking the law so they should all deport themselves…yadda, yadda….but, the worst part is the crowd turned on this young girl and started to cheer this prick as she stood there crying….where the hell are these pricks from? Who taught them that it is okay to attack even children for political reasons? That is where the repub party is right now…just a bunch of hating pricks who don’t deserve to breathe the same air as those of us who have empathy for the plight of others…I’ll bet they went home feeling so smug and good about themselves that it makes me sick….I just can’t wait until they all die off…geez…