Well…finally got to the last one for the month…wanted to get it done before the Michigan game comes on in a half hour…I find the president finally doing the right thing on Syria…going to congress for approval even though this congress hates him…this move will do a couple of things that I like..first, it takes away the right’s ability to criticize him for any decision he makes…either getting them on board to agree with any attack…or, Obama will be able to use their refusal for cover and not attack…either way the politics works well for him since the left really wants the government to work like it’s supposed to with the branches doing their jobs…and, if refused, he can blame the right for being wimps and not supporting the necessary use of force…whichever, it is a win/win…but I really do hope there is no attack without the UN being involved…we need to stop all this world policing to repair our standing in the world…