Well…it was another red letter day in Washington yesterday with the idiot repubs holding another vote on the repeal of Obamacare…that is number 40 and I just can’t believe that they are getting away with it…especially since none of the laws will ever be taken up by the senate and would surely be vetoed by the president….so, what the hell are they voting for? There has been research done on the costs of these futile votes…from the staff time to write the bills and all of the other costs, and it has now passed the 50 million dollar price tag. Yep, these idiots who supposedly decry waste in government, and who voted the other day to cut food stamps to thousands of people and let them starve to save money have wasted 50 million dollars just trying to poke Obama in the eye. Think about all of the things that 50 million dollars would buy…how many kids could have gone to college? How many retirees could have been fed? How many homeless could have been given a home? These stupid, heartless bastards just don’t care about anyone but themselves and their billionaire bosses….geez…