Well…here comes the new meme of the day from the right wing wingnuts…that because Obama got Syria to give up it’s chemical weapons without firing a shot, it makes him look weak and because he is weak (in their minds), he now will go along with defunding Obamacare. What the hell planet are these nuts living on? In any rational mind (which means none on the right), getting what you want through talking and diplomacy is much preferable to using military force and killing a bunch of innocent civilians…but the right thinks that there is only one response to any crisis…bomb them! But, the funny thing here that exposes the pure, unadulterated hatred the right has for Obama is that they were for bombing Syria until Obama came out for it…then, they immediately changed to be opposed to it….I, for one, feel that diplomacy was and is the right choice in this situation, that there is nuance and subtlety that can work wonders if you have an administration that understands it. That does not describe ole Gw’s time in office…they had an outcome they wanted and then faked the info until they had a reason to attack….something that still should subject those folks to the law….I can’t wait to see how this one plays out…geez…