Predators on the trail…

Well…almost forgot this one from the trail this morning…when I was on the last uphill to the park where I take my last break every day, there was just the strangest sight…a rabbit, or half a rabbit was laying in the middle of the trail…it looked like it had just been sliced in half with a knife and the front was gone…and the weirder thing is that about 50 yards up the hill, there was another one…just like the first one…the front gone and the back essentially intact. Now, I am really curious about what could do that around here…could be a dog but why just the front gone? Maybe alien dissection? Coyote? It will be a puzzle for a while anyway….

Oh, one last thing…just an observation…why would anyone put custom wheels on a Prius? Saw one in the parking lot of the trail in Kentwood today…just not right…..

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