Well…I guess the new rage among the repub liars is to look back on the Bush years with fondness…ignoring the statistical fact that the entire 8 years was a bust for everyone but the rich. They have even begun to blame the recession on Obama…since it started when it looked like he was going to be elected. Yep, I’m not kidding you…I think it was Boehner who started this new line of craziness but then, as always happens, the right-wing smear machine picks it up and runs with it. To those who continue to vote for these idiots I have one question “were you better off at the start of GW’s terms or the end?” A simple question that has a simple answer…if you’re not in the top 5%, you were worse off…..
I know we have selective memory here in the US so that is why I have to keep repeating all the time what a bust those 8 years were…and now people want to go back there? Why? To be spied on? To have more trumped up wars that the repubs vowed Iraqi oil would pay for? To allow business to steal what is left of the country from you and me? I think the tea partiers have the wrong target when they want to “take back our country”…it should be from the alliance of the repubs and business. Geez….