Well…this one has been coming for the summer and I finally did it….got under an hour for 15 miles on the bike…I’ll be you thought I’d gotten a job…no such luck….this morning, with three cups of coffee, little wind, and cool temps…I got down to 58 mins and 22 secs for the 15 miles…and that even includes 32 seconds at the light at Eastern and 52nd street. I know I haven’t said much about this all summer and part of it is that I wasn’t sure if I could do it…my best until today was 1:04:42 and the legs just didn’t feel up to getting much better…maybe it was the two non-cocktail nights that helped? This goes along with almost getting to 16,000 miles on this bike…only have 18 more to go to reach 16K…I wonder if I can get 9K more and have the equivalent of riding the thing around the world? That would be pretty cool…..more later…