Republican waste…

Well…with the deal to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling almost done…let’s do a short tally of the cost of this tantrum to the US economy and the people it has directly affected…first, there is the 6 billion dollars in direct cost of the shutdown…yep, the party that talks insistently about waste in government has just wasted 6 billion dollars that could have been used to feed children, take care of the sick, or lower college debt…but no, these pricks would rather waste money spouting their nonsense and preening in front of the cameras that take care of the people…but, that’s not new…these folks don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and they show it every day….then there are the 900,000 people who have been put out of work by the shutdown and who have not been paid for three weeks…but, again, the repubs don’t give a crap about them if they can try to score political points…and last, there is the long term damage to the economy that will again be in the billions by the increase in borrowing costs that will come from this bullshit brinksmanship…there are already ripples of this spreading through the economy…and for what? So Ted Cruz and Michelle Bachmann can get on stage and spout their nonsense? I wish the election was next week and we could say goodbye to this crap forever….geez…..

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