November 20th

Well…running really late this morning and the reason is that I just forgot to do this one…did a long one over at Kos and then straight into the workout…and the power went out, and the dog ate my homework….heard enough excuses yet? It was an okay day yesterday but didn’t get much accomplished….the Doctor Who marathon on BBC is drawing me in and I just did some vegging…oh, one last excuse…when the power went out, I restarted the computer and it had 27 programs to update and that takes forever…slept okay and had weird dreams about Singapore…yep, strange to me, too….my elbow seems to be getting more sore as the weeks go on and I am getting really tired of it….can barely pick anything up if I have to squeeze it…maybe I’m just getting old…not much to do today…I am going to wait a while to go out on the bike since my hands and feet got really cold yesterday…and, I’ve got the whole day so what’s the rush? Should clean some but I don’t want to do the kitchen until after thanksgiving since I will make a huge mess…more later…

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