Well….as if a person needed more reason to not eat at McD’s….other than the food that will make you fat or kill you if you eat it all the time…okay, maybe that is a little harsh…the company came out this week with some tips on how their starvation level wages can be supplemented and everyone can have a wonderful, happy holiday….the first one is just a wonderful piece of corporate crap…they recommend that their employees just sell their Christmas presents or anything else they don’t need on e-bay…the problem with that is that, with the wages they pay their folks, they probably don’t have anything to sell anyway….maybe they should sell their food next? One other thing that this poor excuse for a company does is give out instructions on how to sign up for food stamps…not pay their people enough so they don’t need them, but get the government to pay for their food and subsidize the profits of the owners…and these are the same people who decry welfare or any type of public assistance and do their best to have it cut while feeding at the government trough themselves for billions of dollars a year…just like Walmart….what a bunch of crap…geez…