December 10th

Well…it was another long, long day yesterday and I think I’m getting into the bunker mentality that normally doesn’t come until Jan or Feb…and, 12 degrees this morning? It’s not even winter yet and it’s colder than it was all of last year…at least the car is starting and the trans is shifting well with the new fluid in it…it was the second no cocktail night in a row last night and I think I’m really starting to like it…feel so much better…wonder if I’ll eliminate them completely? Never thought that would be an option but it has started to creep into my thoughts…would really help keeping the weight down over the winter and save a bunch of cash…not sure if the boredom will be bearable, though…..slept okay but the strange thing was I could only sleep on my right side…normally, I flop back and forth all night…not much to do today..I do have to clean since my brother is coming over today and I am not looking forward to the cleaning…it needs to be done, though, so I guess I should just get to it…after coffee, that is…more later…

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