Well…just a shorty on a couple of things…not sure if I am going to comment on this stuff but just pass it on…read the other day that Senator Bernie Sanders is readying legislation to institute a single payer plan for people to get health insurance to cut the insurance companies out of the profits and immediately lower the cost to everyone…this would help in a couple of ways…with a pool that large, it would be easy for the plan to control costs of medical procedures across the country and you wouldn’t have different costs depending on where you live…one example of this is the spread from high to low for an appendectomy…one study showed a cost that ran from 1,000 dollars to 14,000 dollars for comparable cases…and, in Bernies plan, the single player plan would be allowed to negotiate drug prices with the drug companies which could save billions of dollars every year. So, give em hell, Bernie…we need people like you….