Well…after the bottom was reached in the polling on Obamacare a few weeks back, and after the website was fixed to where most users are now able to use it, the numbers have come back to where it has an almost even favorable/unfavorable rating…but that doesn’t stop the right from continuing to lie about the program and say that a great majority of the people in the US don’t like the law…one thing that I have to keep stressing to people is to go deeper into the numbers…while it is true that the numbers are even right now, there has always been 15-20 points of those in the disapproval column that disapprove because the law is not single payer and does not cut the insurance companies out completely. So, if you add even the low side of 15% back to the approval side of 46%, you get a good majority of people who approve of the law, although some of them hold their noses while doing it since it is better than the previous system. It is clear that the majority of people in the US, other than the tea party idiots, want the system changed and want it to be given a chance while improving the law as flaws surface…as things have been done since this country started…at least until the right wing infection of the repub party…geez…