Well…it has been another lost day for me and I just can’t get motivated to do anything…I wonder if I used it all up working on the car yesterday? I’m still not sure if I guessed right on the car and it is still in the back of my mind that I didn’t…normally, there is a clear reason when a car does something weird but the caliper slider pins were not completely dry..I did use lithium grease on them last time but I don’t think it’s high temp enough for the pins…so, this time I used wheel bearing grease and we’ll see how it works…I wonder if my lethargy is caused by not eating enough again? I am just so tired of counting every calorie and not being able to eat anything except what is planned for the day….I wish this weather would keep up for another week and I could get back on the bike…with having the player working again I really can’t wait…and I know it makes me feel better when I do ride….oh, one last thing…if you want to read a good one about the hollowing out of the middle class, go over to Kos today and look at the one that Hunter just published…love his work and he just nails the despair that comes with the rigged economic system…