Well…I’m not sure if you saw the repub response to the SOTU last night, but all I can say is wow…wow…how low can you set the bar and still have a bar to jump over? It was the most inane bit of nonsense I have ever heard…but, of course, Chuck Todd is calling it a masterpiece…what the hell speech did he watch? I laughed out loud when the idiot delivering it said that the repubs want everyone to make their own healthcare decisions…but, this is the idiot that voted to eliminate the birth control benefit in Obamacare…40 times…and has gleefully voted for more and more restrictions on women making their own health decisions by making abortions harder and harder to get. Now, I should not be surprised that the repubs talk like this, but the rest of the speech where it was all platitudes, all the time with no specifics on policy is the playbook that was used all across the country to get these hard right asses elected..if they open their mouths about what their true plans are, they would be laughed out of the election…or maybe even the country….so, don’t believe the spin that the pundits are putting on this stinker of a speech…the bar is set so low that even ole GW couldn’t trip over it…geez…