Tag Archives: SOTU

Did you see that speech?

Well…damn, I wonder what the repubs are going to use to attack Joe Biden after the SOTU speech last night? They have been going on and on that Joe is “losing” it…that he is senile and is too old to be re elected…but last night he blew all of that crap right out of the water with a fiery speech that highlighted the accomplishments of his administration and attacked the do nothing repubs who are holding up aid to Ukraine…he even got in digs against the SC saying that “women are coming for them” after their dismantling of Roe…anyone that watched that speech and still thinks that Joe is too old and feeble to do the job is just part of the cult of trump and should be ignored…even the media that had bought into the he’s too old thing they have been pushing begrudgingly admitted it was one of the best speeches Joe had ever done…now I want to see them comparing it to the word salad the trump spews out every damn day…if you haven’t watched it, do yourself a favor and go find it…it gave me hope for the fall election…

Forgot to talk about the SOTU…

Well…I have been digesting the SOTU that Biden gave Tuesday night and I was not surprised at all…the right wing propaganda that has been pushing the lie that Joe is too old and senile to even walk was exploded as he delivered a Joe speech…lots of truth and empathy and guess what you didn’t see…yep, attacking his “enemies” and bragging that he was able to put his shoes on that morning that you got from TFG…and that was a refreshing thing to hear…policy that will help the country and getting his agenda out on the floor so he can point to it as he succeeds getting some of it passed…now, I’m enough or a realist to know that the repub attacks and obstructionism will continue, but to paint Joe with being naive is just wrong, he still wants to try to find some reasonable people on the other side of the isle but I know he is experienced enough to know that is probably not going to happen…but being a good guy, he has to try…overall, I would rate it a great speech but that is not a surprise anymore…Joe has shown that he is up to it and his passion for what he does always comes through…good job….

A cool bit of shade…

Well…not sure if you watched the SOTU last night, and I’ll admit I didn’t since I can’t stand trump and how his stench has polluted all of the institutions he touches…I mean, giving the presidential medal of freedom to frickin Rush Limbaugh? The guy who has done more damage to this country than anyone other than trump or mcconnell? Not sure how long it’s going to take to fumigate that stench but I’ll bet the dem who is elected is going to make almost a full time job of it….and I want a damn asterisk by every judge, war criminal, and medal of freedom that idiot boy has presented….but, that’s not what this one is about…at the end of the lying, racist speech last night, Nancy threw a huge bunch of shade at the idiot by theatrically tearing up her copy of idiot boy’s speech on live tv right over trump’s shoulder…and of course, the repubs thought it was the worst, most devisive thing that has ever happened in the history of the country…and that made me laugh…trump has shown nothing but contempt for everything in this country and it’s institutions…so for Nancy to show her utter contempt for trump was a fitting response…and it will be a rallying point for the rest of the year until the election when we throw trump and his cronies out…yay Nancy…


Well…not sure if you could stomach listening to the idiot in chief last night, I know I couldn’t, but the reviews are in and it was all just more of the same old crap the trump spews every time he opens his mouth…need wall, best president ever, murdering immigrants, I’m great and you’re not, interspersed with many adderal sniffles and stopping after every sentence for applause by his toadies in the congress…and that applause is the only reason he wanted to do the speech…he is so needy that he would cease to exist without applause and affirmation by his cronies. There was not one damn policy proposal…no comparison of where we are and where we need to be and how to get there…no anything at all of how to make the lives of Americans better….but there was a threat that if the investigations into him and his crime family didn’t stop, there would be no legislation signed by him…doesn’t the idiot know that that statement can be used as evidence of obstruction of justice? On a historical note, this is exactly what Nixon said in his final SOTU…that the investigations into Watergate had gone on long enough and needed to be stopped…and, how did that turn out for him? All in all…the whole speech was just a word salad of hate and bragging that no one should have watched….impeach…

Might be wishful thinking…

Well…just wanted to do a short one on a post that I just read over at Kos, and while it may be wishful thinking, it still sounds pretty cool. This article described supposed plans that Nancy Pelosi has for the response to the idiot trump’s SOTU speech tonight just in case the moron goes off and shows that he is truly unhinged…supposedly, Pelosi has a panel of expert psychiatrists that will do a real-time analysis of trump and his behavior…and diagnose that he is truly mentally ill and then call for congress to begin the process to remove him. Now, I’m not sure if there is a grain of salt big enough for this or if this post was just one of the trolls that sometimes infest Kos but it did make me smile for a short few seconds…I would love to see it but the chance of it happening, of finally ripping the blindfold off the country’s eyes and showing that trump is a real danger to this country if allowed to stay in office, is really just a bit of wishful thinking…impeach….

Nancy shivs the idiot…

Well…to everyone who didn’t want Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house after last fall’s election, the only thing I have to say is open your eyes an watch a master at work. Yesterday, Nancy sent a letter to idiot boy saying that trump’s State of the Union address should be postponed until after the shutdown is over due to “security” concerns with many of the people who would be responsible out on furlough due to the shutdown. Now, this is just a masterstroke and uses the speaker’s power in a new and novel way to make the point that trump is not the one in control anymore…and that he is not getting a dime for his damn, racist wall any time soon. One neat little point that was made in the letter was that, historically, there has never been a SOTU address during a shutdown…and she even stressed the fact that most of the SOTU reports were done by letters until the 20th century…basically saying that trump could do the same thing. Now, taking away idiot boy’s chance to be the center of attention is just the best response that could have been given to the narcissistic asshole for the damage his shutdown is having on the country and I applaud Nancy for playing hardball with him….he just doesn’t understand that things have changed and his bullyboy ways just aren’t going to go anymore…get the popcorn….

Not watching the SOTU tonight….

Well…there is no one in the world that makes my stomach turn as the orange nightmare in the WH does so I WILL NOT be watching any of the idiot’s speech tonight…you know what it is going to be anyway…trump is the greatest human to ever live and has accomplished more in his first hour than all the other presidents combined….that is in between touting his hotels and trying to remember how to pronounce the big words his staff has written into his speech….he will NOT be “presidential” he will NOT be pivoting to normalcy, and this will NOT be the night that he becomes “president”. So, find an old movie or anything else to watch tonight…it’s not worth anyone’s time to listen to this crap…especially not mine. Impeach….


Well…with all of the hype about the state of the union yesterday, I figured I’d probably take a shot at what I think…as if I don’t every day here…I thought the speech was one of the best that I have heard Obama do…aggressive, confidant, and full of themes that dems should have been talking about in the past election…if they would have, they probably would have held the senate and gotten the turnout they needed. But, better late than never and this gives our side the roadmap we need to use to go into the 2016 elections…we need to be dems again and aggressively protect the middle class. The funny thing that I saw was the repubs sitting on their hands all night…just because Obama was saying the right things…he could have been for mom and apple pie and they would have sat there with the dour looks on their faces that they had. I think this is the start of finally distinguishing between the two parties..we can’t be repub lite and expect people to care….I can’t wait to see the political ads that are constructed using the shots from the speech…the repubs hating on popular policies with the general public…they are delusional if they think their pettiness won’t come with a cost..finally….geez…

The repub response…

Well…I’m not sure if you saw the repub response to the SOTU last night, but all I can say is wow…wow…how low can you set the bar and still have a bar to jump over? It was the most inane bit of nonsense I have ever heard…but, of course, Chuck Todd is calling it a masterpiece…what the hell speech did he watch? I laughed out loud when the idiot delivering it said that the repubs want everyone to make their own healthcare decisions…but, this is the idiot that voted to eliminate the birth control benefit in Obamacare…40 times…and has gleefully voted for more and more restrictions on women making their own health decisions by making abortions harder and harder to get. Now, I should not be surprised that the repubs talk like this, but the rest of the speech where it was all platitudes, all the time with no specifics on policy is the playbook that was used all across the country to get these hard right asses elected..if they open their mouths about what their true plans are, they would be laughed out of the election…or maybe even the country….so, don’t believe the spin that the pundits are putting on this stinker of a speech…the bar is set so low that even ole GW couldn’t trip over it…geez…

Need to get caught up…

Well…I’ll have to admit that I didn’t watch the SOTU speech last night…and, coming from a political junkie, that is saying something…it’s not like I didn’t want to hear it…from what I’ve read, it had some pretty good ideas in it…things like mother, apple pie, and chevrolet that no one should be able to argue with….and even a couple of pokes in ole Boehner’s eye for wasting the country’s time with 40 votes to repeal Obamacare…but, I just couldn’t get interested in it…I think it may have more to do with the mind-numbing weather we’ve had this winter…It has started to really affect my mood and every time I think about the fact that it is not going to get better any time soon, I slide a little deeper down in the trough…I wonder if it is SAD? But, as you can see, I am running behind for the month and I do need to to a few more of these today so if you think they are a waste of time, don’t read….I will try to get to a political one later…oh, there was one good story that I wanted to share….a NY congressman threatened to throw a reporter off a balcony after the reporter asked him about the investigation into the reps ethics…can you guess if he was a repub or a dem? Yep, you’ve got it…another bully repub who thinks he can do or say anything without consequence…geez…