Well…not sure if you could stomach listening to the idiot in chief last night, I know I couldn’t, but the reviews are in and it was all just more of the same old crap the trump spews every time he opens his mouth…need wall, best president ever, murdering immigrants, I’m great and you’re not, interspersed with many adderal sniffles and stopping after every sentence for applause by his toadies in the congress…and that applause is the only reason he wanted to do the speech…he is so needy that he would cease to exist without applause and affirmation by his cronies. There was not one damn policy proposal…no comparison of where we are and where we need to be and how to get there…no anything at all of how to make the lives of Americans better….but there was a threat that if the investigations into him and his crime family didn’t stop, there would be no legislation signed by him…doesn’t the idiot know that that statement can be used as evidence of obstruction of justice? On a historical note, this is exactly what Nixon said in his final SOTU…that the investigations into Watergate had gone on long enough and needed to be stopped…and, how did that turn out for him? All in all…the whole speech was just a word salad of hate and bragging that no one should have watched….impeach…