Well…as you know, I braved the ice this morning to go out and get some groceries at Aldi’s…okay, I didn’t brave the ice…the only place there was ice left by the time I went out at 10 was in the parking lot here…the roads were just wet with a few slick spots so no big deal…oh, I did find out that I pulled the overflow hose off the radiator tank sometime when I was screwing around with the car…or it just came off with the hose being pretty old and stretched out so it didn’t fit too tightly anymore…so I lost a bunch of coolant and had to re-fill it today, and I found a small clamp to put on it to make sure it doesn’t come off again….but, that’s not what this is about….I just checked the packages of chicken thighs I got this morning…didn’t even check how much they weighed when I bought them…the two of them together weighed over 10 pounds…now, I’m not sure if anyone needs 10 pounds of chicken thighs but, damn, how can you pass up 69 cents a pound? Just knowing I have 10 pounds of chicken, again, made me laugh….