Well…with all of the hype about the state of the union yesterday, I figured I’d probably take a shot at what I think…as if I don’t every day here…I thought the speech was one of the best that I have heard Obama do…aggressive, confidant, and full of themes that dems should have been talking about in the past election…if they would have, they probably would have held the senate and gotten the turnout they needed. But, better late than never and this gives our side the roadmap we need to use to go into the 2016 elections…we need to be dems again and aggressively protect the middle class. The funny thing that I saw was the repubs sitting on their hands all night…just because Obama was saying the right things…he could have been for mom and apple pie and they would have sat there with the dour looks on their faces that they had. I think this is the start of finally distinguishing between the two parties..we can’t be repub lite and expect people to care….I can’t wait to see the political ads that are constructed using the shots from the speech…the repubs hating on popular policies with the general public…they are delusional if they think their pettiness won’t come with a cost..finally….geez…

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