A cool bit of shade…

Well…not sure if you watched the SOTU last night, and I’ll admit I didn’t since I can’t stand trump and how his stench has polluted all of the institutions he touches…I mean, giving the presidential medal of freedom to frickin Rush Limbaugh? The guy who has done more damage to this country than anyone other than trump or mcconnell? Not sure how long it’s going to take to fumigate that stench but I’ll bet the dem who is elected is going to make almost a full time job of it….and I want a damn asterisk by every judge, war criminal, and medal of freedom that idiot boy has presented….but, that’s not what this one is about…at the end of the lying, racist speech last night, Nancy threw a huge bunch of shade at the idiot by theatrically tearing up her copy of idiot boy’s speech on live tv right over trump’s shoulder…and of course, the repubs thought it was the worst, most devisive thing that has ever happened in the history of the country…and that made me laugh…trump has shown nothing but contempt for everything in this country and it’s institutions…so for Nancy to show her utter contempt for trump was a fitting response…and it will be a rallying point for the rest of the year until the election when we throw trump and his cronies out…yay Nancy…

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