Well…it does look like I’m feeding every sparrow here on the west side with the quantity of feed they have been going through…I mean only one day to empty the feeder? When I started feeding them, it took them almost a week to eat all of the food in the feeder, but as the days have gone on there are more and more of them coming in and they are banging into each other in the air and pushing each other off the feeder…I even counted 8 of them on my small feeder at once and there is just not room for that many at a time. It does look like a mosh pit out there at times and some of them are sitting on the windowseal to rest before they go back into the fray….a couple of them have even given up and figured out how to land on the clear feeder to be able to eat in peace….so, I am starting to be entertained…but I think I’ll need another bag of feed next week…