Well…I am laughing about the typical repub spin on the new CBO report that came out in the past couple of days that says, as a result of the law, there will eventually be 2 million less full time workers…and of course the repubs say it is the result of the law, that employers will be eliminating jobs because the ACA forces them to provide healthcare to their employees…but, of course, the repubs take the headline and try to turn it to political advantage when it says no such thing…what the report really says is that with independent health insurance available that is not tied to any employer, more people will say “go to hell” to bad employers that they have been tolerating just to get health insurance…and many of those people will be able to finally retire with insurance they can afford before Medicare. So, what to do the repubs have against freedom? Oh, they are okay with freedom if is the freedom of employers to screw with their employees who couldn’t get health insurance before the ACA, but they just hate the fact that the ACA has taken away some leverage from employers to do whatever they want…to keep wages low since they had their employees over the healthcare barrel…and now, that the needle has swung just a little back to normal, ordinary people, the repubs are going crazy…under the orders of their corporate masters, of course….geez…