Well…have been sitting here trying to figure out some new stuff to say but have only come up with snippets that wouldn’t make a whole one of these so this one is going to be a little disjointed…okay, most of these are a little disjointed but that’s my “style” and I’m sticking by that….forgot to mention this morning that the snow totals for this year here in GR are 4 feet more than last year…yep, 4 feet more than the 37 inches of last year and we still have more than a month of winter left to go…might be a record year if we get 15 more inches…I still can’t believe we’ve gotten 85 inches of snow this year…no wonder I’m so depressed…is this old or new stuff? Not sure…but I have been following the debt ceiling fight…another one of those? Yep, here we go again but this time the repubs have figured out that they are not going to be able to hold it hostage and crash the economy to try to jerk the country even farther to the right…and have given up before the fight began…but, ole Boehner has tried to save face by saying he won’t give Obama immigration reform this year to spite him….yeah, spite away, John…are you guys so stupid that you don’t recognize that every time you pull this crap of trying to hurt people it comes back to bite you in the ass? Yeah, they really, really, are…oh, and one last thing…the deficit is down to 1/3 of what it was when Obama took office….yep, this big spending, communist has reduced the deficit more than any repub president in the last 30 years…and he is still a socialist…I say, give me more socialism is that’s what it looks like…geez…