Well…have been reading this week about how much money the Kochs spent in the last election cycle and it just makes me sick…412 million dollars…yep, you heard it right 412 million dollars from just two guys trying to buy themselves a democracy…and anyone that calls him/herself a tea partier, has had their seat in the congress bought by these two idiots…and, the one thing I want you to remember is that they are not just giving this money away out of the goodness of their hearts…they want something for it…they want what they have been given in Wisconsin for example…where their toady Walker and the rest of the repubs there have gutted the rights of the people to organize…they have been given right to work here in Michigan since the Kochs hate workers and unions….you get my drift…that just two brothers could do so much to damage the middle class and environment has one cause and one cause only…the supreme courts Citizens United decision that made unlimited money the new norm in elections…and made people like the Kochs just a little bit more equal than the rest of us….my question to the court is…”you couldn’t see this?” everyone else did and now our democracy is at risk because of the activist repubs on the Roberts court…what a bunch of crap…geez…