Well…I was going to name this one “life sucks” but that is a little bit too much of a downer even for me….but it does…at least that’s how I feel right now…going broke again and I spent 60 bucks I didn’t have for food and gas for the car today….and there are no prospects to make any more for quite a while…I wonder if I should just stop eating and see how far I can go? But then I’d feel even worse than I do….not sure what to do…at least Ohio State lost today so that made me smile a little this aft but I haven’t been able or willing to work on a political one today….after the rain yesterday, the trails may be clear enough to go more than a half mile…probably should go check before the State game comes on…that might help and I did get the gear muddy a couple of days ago…damn, just remembered I have clothes that have been sitting in the washer…should go take care of those…