Well…not sure if you’ve been following the saga of the right wing hero rancher, Cliven Bundy, who has been in the news for his theft of almost a million dollars in grazing fees on federal land which he feels he has every right to steal since he doesn’t recognize that the federal government exists. Yeah, another one of those, these self righteous grifters on the right who feel they can just ignore any law they don’t agree with if they can profit by it. But, it gets even worse…or should I say it gets more normal for the right with the comments this idiot made this morning about “Negroes” who were better off as slaves than getting subsidies like food stamps or other parts of the safety net since getting help from the government of course takes away your incentive to work and is a bad use of tax dollars. But, he has no problem with stealing a million dollars in “rancher welfare” to allow him to keep that million dollars in profit…after all, he is entitled to it since the federal government has no right to collect those fees….just like the folks at Walmart and almost every other right wing company who pay their workers too little to live on and then watch the feds make up the balance in Medicaid and food stamps while they line their pockets with yours and my tax dollars…just what ole Cliven is doing…and just what everyone on the right supports. Grifters all…geez…