Well…cripes, the idiot in chief is still delusional and is taking all of his cronies with him…they are still having “cabinet” meetings and “making plans and working hard” to quote the ex-chief of staff meadows…trump, working hard? Ha, ha…it is to laugh to quote Daffy Duck….idiot boy has never worked hard in his life and the only reason he is doing anything at all it to keep bilking the rubes out of their cash…and that’s it…since he discovered the group of morons still willing to believe his lies and he can raise 60 million dollars just by keeping them worked up and sending out a few e-mails, do you think he would ever do anything but that again? I guess he is in the endorsement business now but he is not very good at that either since the first two candidates that he put his considerable weight behind have lost their elections….and let’s not forget all of the lawsuits/criminal charges that are coming from SDNY and all over the country…one funny thing to remember, even after raising all that cash, idiot boy is still stiffing rudy and not paying any of his legal bills…and rudy is reported to be almost broke…couldn’t happen to a bigger asshole….geez
Tag Archives: grifters
Well…there is not enough money in the world to get me to visit the fever swamps of the right’s “evangelical” movement, but there are a few people over at Kos that perform that service for us…and those folks should get combat pay. Over the past few days there have been posts about the preachers over there that have declared themselves “prophets” before the election…or maybe even before that and to a man, they screamed and screamed that god told them that trump would win the election and there was no doubt that it would happen…and the louder they screamed, the more popular they became and more people believed them….then the election came and idiot boy lost…but did that deter these “prophets”? Nope….they just shifted to “god told me that this is all part of his plan” and just wait until christmas when it will all be revealed and trump will be “anointed” president by god…so keep those checks coming so we can support whatever trump needs…yep, that’s the new grift…that god didn’t want trump to win yet, but he will at christmas. Look, I am going to tell you where this whole prophecy bullshit is going to go…after nothing happens at christmas, they will all say that god told them that he allowed Biden to be elected to reveal that all the dems are baby eating communists and after 4 years he is going to make trump president again…oh, and by the way, keep those checks coming so we can be ready to support trump any way we can….is everyone on the right just a damn grifter whose only job is taking money from the rubes? What the hell happened to these folks to make them such terrible people? Or, were they always terrible and now they are just being exposed? Whatever it is, I can’t wait until they are all gone back to whatever fever swamps they crawled out of….
Idiot boy’s campaign appears to be broke…
Well….I had a little chuckle yesterday when I read an article that said the idiot trump’s campaign was going broke after having spent 800 million dollars already….on what, I don’t know…I do see a few ads on tv that I always change the channel when they come on but 800 million dollars? I do know that idiot boy has been bleating that he is going to give 100 million dollars to the campaign and why would he do that if they didn’t need it? My next question is where is the cash going to come from? We all know that the moron never puts his own money into anything so I wonder how they are going to funnel the 100 mil from Putin and launder it so it can’t be traced? Can’t use the NRA again since that channel has already been uncovered and his “charities” have been shut down so it will be interesting to see how many other laws he is going to break getting Putin to fund him…again. At the same time, Biden raised 345 million dollars just in August and that puts him up in total money for the campaign but he’s not spending it to buy Ferraris and condos in Florida for his campaign staff like trump did…or maybe it was just the grifters that trump surrounds himself stealing all the cash…just like the inauguration millions that just disappeared…gee, you’d think that the only reason idiot boy is even in this is to grift…I wonder how much of the 800 million ends up in trump’s pockets? A lot, I’ll bet….
Can I have a little hope?
Well…with this entire country falling down around our heads from the asshole trump, I just want one thing…just a little hope that things will get better…that our side will win the election and I won’t have to hear from idiot boy and any of his minions ever again…that I won’t have to wake up and dread reading the news for the latest attack that comes from these traitors…like today…idiot boy and his toadies are fast tracking oil drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge since they can see that trump is heading for a loss and they want to get long term contracts in place that means they will siphon money from the government even if they never drill a well…which they won’t when Biden is elected…but trump is giving them guaranteed contracts as a way to grift taxpayer’s money…and that is just as corrupt as it sounds…the same thing is happening with ICE which right now is signing 10 year contracts with the private prison operators that work with them so they will get paid even if ICE is disbanded after the election. This is the kind of crap that has me depressed every damn day…I just want a little hope…I want to be able to wake up and think “what good is being done today?” I want to be surprised in a good way every morning and be excited to read the news again…but right now I can’t…even though Biden is ahead, I remember that Hillary was too…and then look what happened….I just want a little hope…is that too much to ask?
Of course he plagarizes “Star Trek”
Well…cripes, with the reveal of the new logo for trump’s idiotic “Space Force”, it sure seems like they have blatantly stolen the crest of “Starfleet” from the Star Trek tv shows and movies…and that makes sense given that Griftanka spent her whole career stealing designs of shoes and clothes to make cheap knock offs in China…I wonder if CBS, who owns the rights to Star Trek, is going to sue trump and his cronies for stealing their design just like trump constantly steals songs to play at his hate rallies? Didn’t anyone who was involved with this “design” ever watch Star Trek and notice the resemblance? I just can’t wait for these damn grifters to be gone….
Can they sink any lower?
Well….it has been noticed by the press that the idiot trump’s wife Melania has been changing clothes many times a day whenever she is out in public…and now, the reason for it has been found out…it seems that it is not just changing for changings sake…but it is essentially Melania doing fashion modeling on the government’s dime since she then advertises the outfits for sale to profit from the disasters she is touring…yep, these people are just the worst sort of assholes who think of no one but themselves and how they can enrich themselves from the misery of others…did you ever see the Obamas or any other first family do that? Nope, didn’t think so….just another reason these grifters have to go…impeach….
It’s all just a grift…
Well…even if you don’t watch politics too closely, you have to see by now that the true purpose of repubs in government is just one long grift…as the idiot trump steers government money to his properties every day, his cronies he has placed throughout the government find their own ways to enrich themselves on our tax dollars. Scott Pruitt, the supposed head of the EPA, has turned that department into his own little travel agency, going back to Oklahoma dozens of times and costing us millions of dollars…now, if I’m not mistaken, there are 49 other states that have environmental problems and that could use the “informal meetings” that this idiot says are the purpose for his trips. And, there is only one thing you need to remember…this guy hates the EPA and has said many times it should just be disbanded…but, I guess he will try to milk it dry before that…so far, he’s doing a pretty good job…geez…
It’s welfare unless it’s for the right…
Well…not sure if you’ve been following the saga of the right wing hero rancher, Cliven Bundy, who has been in the news for his theft of almost a million dollars in grazing fees on federal land which he feels he has every right to steal since he doesn’t recognize that the federal government exists. Yeah, another one of those, these self righteous grifters on the right who feel they can just ignore any law they don’t agree with if they can profit by it. But, it gets even worse…or should I say it gets more normal for the right with the comments this idiot made this morning about “Negroes” who were better off as slaves than getting subsidies like food stamps or other parts of the safety net since getting help from the government of course takes away your incentive to work and is a bad use of tax dollars. But, he has no problem with stealing a million dollars in “rancher welfare” to allow him to keep that million dollars in profit…after all, he is entitled to it since the federal government has no right to collect those fees….just like the folks at Walmart and almost every other right wing company who pay their workers too little to live on and then watch the feds make up the balance in Medicaid and food stamps while they line their pockets with yours and my tax dollars…just what ole Cliven is doing…and just what everyone on the right supports. Grifters all…geez…
Republicans are nothing but grifters…
Well…one of the most sickening press conferences I have ever seen was just on tv where Ted Cruz the idiot senator from Texas admitted that the only reason he damn near put the country into default and spurred the shutdown of the government was to raise money from his idiot tea party base…and he admitted that the petition on one of the conservative websites gave him two million names that he could use to grift even more money out of the rubes…all the while he knew that he could never get Obamacare repealed but he just didn’t care that he was costing the country billions of dollars….and his assertion that two million people signing his petition meant that a majority of America wanted it repealed just reveals the repubs only passing acquaintance with math…after all there are 330 million people in this country and I think that is quite a lot more than 2 million…but not on the right or in the Fox news world…what a delusional bunch…geez…