Tag Archives: Melania Trump

Can they sink any lower?

Well….it has been noticed by the press that the idiot trump’s wife Melania has been changing clothes many times a day whenever she is out in public…and now, the reason for it has been found out…it seems that it is not just changing for changings sake…but it is essentially Melania doing fashion modeling on the government’s dime since she then advertises the outfits for sale to profit from the disasters she is touring…yep, these people are just the worst sort of assholes who think of no one but themselves and how they can enrich themselves from the misery of others…did you ever see the Obamas or any other first family do that? Nope, didn’t think so….just another reason these grifters have to go…impeach….

Lying is just another tool for the right…

Well…after reading about the first day of the repub convention…all I can say is that mendacity is the new watchword for the right…lying has become just another tool for the right, the supposed “family values” party. The entire night was filled with lies…starting with the fully debunked “stand down” order from Benghazi to Melania Trump’s speech that blatantly stole whole paragraphs from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech to the Democratic convention. But, lies don’t matter to the repubs these days…in fact, the bigger the lie the bigger the cheer at the convention…..and now they are lying about Melania’s background, saying she graduated from college when she quit after a part of a year…now, I’ve said this before…don’t these idiot repubs understand that there is an entire industry devoted to fact checking? The funniest thing I have seen with the plagiarized speech is that people have put both Michelle and Melania up on you tube side by side to show that the speech was stolen…and yet the Trump people continue to lie and say that the entire thing was original thought…god, I hate the fact that lying is now acceptable to one of the major parties here in the US…the damn repubs are ruining this country….sad!