Well…as I said the other day, I won’t be watching any of the trump fluffing that is passing for a repub convention but I have read some of the people who get paid to watch that crap and it is just more of the same doom, gloom, and lies that is at every one of idiot boy’s “rallies”…and since the repubs didn’t even produce a platform of what they stand for and plan to do, they are just leaving all that up to the idiot and whatever he spews during his “speeches”….and, if you didn’t think that the entire repub party is now a trump cult, every damn person that spoke today just praised idiot boy as the bestest, most wonderful president that there ever has been or ever could be. Nothing for the people of the US, nothing on how many people have died from his bungling, nothing about the wildfires decimating California, or the derecho that devastated Iowa…nope, but we knew that was going to happen, there is not one once of empathy in anyone in the repub party and they sure don’t give a damn about the people they supposedly represent….but, there was a bit of light today…the AG of New York just filed a suit against trump and all of his organizations for manipulating the worth of some of his properties when trying to get loans or pay taxes…hmmm… I wonder if the details will come out before the election? One more thing for trump to worry about when he loses…tick tock, trump….
Tag Archives: republican convention
All hate, all the time….
Well…I don’t know if you’ve been watching the repub convention…I haven’t…just too much hate and lies all the time coming from a bunch of unbalanced idiots….but I guess that is my point here…normally, you get some policy proposals from the people that are speaking there…like last night was supposed to be about jobs and the economy…but not one speaker said one damn thing about either…it was all hate of Hillary all the time with the crowd getting into it by chanting “jail her” over and over in response to the felon Chris Christie attempting to “try” her in the convention using lies and debunked conspiracy theories…all that have been investigated NINE times by repubs and that not found one bit of wrongdoing by her…but, if you are a modern repub wrongdoing is not necessary…just your hatred of an individual who has been vilifed with lies by the right wing press for more than 20 years now…again…none of them have ever been true and again, that doesn’t matter to the ignorant asses that are the repub base these days…they just love to revel in their hate and they just KNOW Hillary is guilty…they just haven’t found the evidence yet….that is the definition of delusion that is aided and abetted by Breitbart and Fox “news”…there is nothing more to the modern repub…just hate…and the convention shows it…sad!
Lying is just another tool for the right…
Well…after reading about the first day of the repub convention…all I can say is that mendacity is the new watchword for the right…lying has become just another tool for the right, the supposed “family values” party. The entire night was filled with lies…starting with the fully debunked “stand down” order from Benghazi to Melania Trump’s speech that blatantly stole whole paragraphs from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech to the Democratic convention. But, lies don’t matter to the repubs these days…in fact, the bigger the lie the bigger the cheer at the convention…..and now they are lying about Melania’s background, saying she graduated from college when she quit after a part of a year…now, I’ve said this before…don’t these idiot repubs understand that there is an entire industry devoted to fact checking? The funniest thing I have seen with the plagiarized speech is that people have put both Michelle and Melania up on you tube side by side to show that the speech was stolen…and yet the Trump people continue to lie and say that the entire thing was original thought…god, I hate the fact that lying is now acceptable to one of the major parties here in the US…the damn repubs are ruining this country….sad!
More hypocrisy from the repubs…
Well…I know I talk about repubs hypocrisy quite a bit since there is just so much of it everywhere you look…and the latest one exposes the pure ideology that is behind the gun nut craze driven by the repubs and the NRA…who’s solution to every problem the country faces is more guns everywhere. But, not at the repub convention…yep, they want guns everywhere and feel that gun free zones are the easiest targets for a “bad guy with a gun” but that is exactly what the convention is going to be…a gun free zone. Now, this may not really be that big of a case of hypocrisy since the Secret Service is in charge of security and will not allow guns at the convention…saying that it would make security impossible…and that just points out when you divorce guns everywhere from ideology and use some common sense, the security professionals know that more guns make people less safe. I would assert that instead of a gun free zone being a magnet for killers, I think it would be open carry events that would be easiest for a gunman to attack since he could just walk in with a couple of AR-15′s and a pistol strapped to his hip and no one would even look twice….how could you tell if he was a good guy or a bad guy? This open carry nonsense goes on just because you have the NRA riling up the gun nut fringe and the rest of us aren’t pushing back….I, for one, will not set foot in any business that allows these scared shitless idiots to carry guns in them…never…ever…geez…
The liars convention…
Well…I think things may be changing in the coverage of the repubs lie machine that is their convention and that makes me smile just a little bit…it started this morning with the fact checker in the Post gutting the theme of “you didn’t build that” that the whole convention has been built around and the deliberate lies the repubs using to support it…then, we had ole Rick Santorum going on about the “gutting of the work requirement” for public support that is also a huge lie…and then moving into all of the other speeches that are still pushing the idea that tax cuts and deregulation will get the economy moving when it it exactly those policies that have gotten us to where we are. Then there are the racists that threw peanuts at an African-American camera operator and shouted “this is what we feed animals” all the while still asking for Obama’s birth certificate. But, finally, the media is starting to challenge these idiots and their war on women, their war on the truth, and their war on the American middle class….the desperation is starting to show because they know that if they don’t win this year they never will…the crazy right wing rhetoric and demographics will make the repub party just a footnote in political life here in the US and none too soon…geez…