Tag Archives: ANWR

Can I have a little hope?

Well…with this entire country falling down around our heads from the asshole trump, I just want one thing…just a little hope that things will get better…that our side will win the election and I won’t have to hear from idiot boy and any of his minions ever again…that I won’t have to wake up and dread reading the news for the latest attack that comes from these traitors…like today…idiot boy and his toadies are fast tracking oil drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge since they can see that trump is heading for a loss and they want to get long term contracts in place that means they will siphon money from the government even if they never drill a well…which they won’t when Biden is elected…but trump is giving them guaranteed contracts as a way to grift taxpayer’s money…and that is just as corrupt as it sounds…the same thing is happening with ICE which right now is signing 10 year contracts with the private prison operators that work with them so they will get paid even if ICE is disbanded after the election. This is the kind of crap that has me depressed every damn day…I just want a little hope…I want to be able to wake up and think “what good is being done today?” I want to be surprised in a good way every morning and be excited to read the news again…but right now I can’t…even though Biden is ahead, I remember that Hillary was too…and then look what happened….I just want a little hope…is that too much to ask?